snowkite in Bulgaria
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  Snowkite education in Bulgaria
Initial snowkite course for beginners
snowkite in Bulgaria - Vitosha Mountain

Snowkiting is an extreme sport. The kite can generate tremendous pulling power, so have respect of the wind, and don’t underestimate the risks! On the other hand, if a person controls a kite well and observes and follows basic safety rules then this sport provides great pleasure and a sense of freedom. Come to us to learn quickly and easily. In this way you will learn safely whilst avoiding the risks of learning without supervision.
You will master how to control and attain good proficiency quickly with a little theory, some practical lessons and exercises with training kites.
We will provide you with training wings and everythingthat is necessary for duration of the training.

Can anybody do it?
The answer is - yes, everyone can learn, but to knowing basic skiing or snowboarding skills will be of benefit. 

The recommended age - above 12 years.

Season: January - March
Where: Vitosha Mountain.
Vitosha is small Mountain near Sofia. The top of the mountain is 2290 m.ASL. During the winter the alpine plateau of Vitosha is covered by snow. The windy gays are more than 90%, so that Vitosha is a great snowkite spot.

What you need:
- Clothing appropriate for the weather
- Private ski / snowboard equipment
- Mountain health insurance
- A Helmet
We recommend you to wear :
- Sunglasses or a goggle for skiing / snowboarding
- Suncream
- a flask or thermos jug filled with a hot drink
- Snowshoes

The course is run over three weekends - six days, 2-3 hours a day.
Fee for the course 360 BGN /185 euro /
Here's what you'll learn:
1. A brief history of the sport.
2. Types of kites. Device/mechanism. Preparation for use.
3. How to manage the kite and safety systems.
4. How to choose a place to ride. What type of kite that is relevant for the conditions
5. Working window. Self-launching and landing. Relaunching. Power Zone.
6. Starting; finishing and other basic skills needed to ride a snow kite.
7. Communication. Etiquette.

For more details don’t hesiate to contact us:
Yassen - mobile phone : +35988 777 13 00
skype: kayaso

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